20% Discount on Colposcopy, HPV-HC2, and LBC

It’s our birthday today and we would like to celebrate it with you!

Birthdays and New Years are to make resolutions. We know it’s our birthday, but we want you to make a resolution: “I will protect myself from cervical cancer.”

We want you to say NO to cervical cancer, and YES to screening.
Grab your phone now and book your colposcopy appointment tollfree @18004192550.
All appointments booked for the month of June, 2016 are eligible for a 20% discount* on
Colposcopy, HPV-HC2 screening test, and LBC(Liquid Based Cytology) test.

Every women above the age of 35, and after 5 years of marriage (which ever is earlier) should get screened once in 5 years. Let us help you to help yourself.

Please call us between 11 A.M. to 8 P.M. to book your appointment.

*: Discount valid for appointments booked on June 4 and 5, 2016 only.

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